Power & Control Cables

Constructiion - Single core / Multicore
Voltage Grade   Up to 1100 V
Conductor - Aluminum / Copper, Solid / Standard / Flexible Conductor
Range - Single core up to 1000 Sq mm
Multicore up to 400 Sq mm
Max 61 cores of 1.5 Sq mm & 2.5 Sq mm
Primary Insulation - General Purpose PVC / Heat Resistant PVC / LDPE / XLPE
Inner Sheath - PVC / HRPVC / FRPVC / FRLS PVC / ZHFR / LSF
Armouring - GI Round Wire / Flat strip or Wire Braiding
Outer sheath - General purpose PVC / HRPVC / FRLS PVC / ZHFR / LSF
Standards - IS-694, IS-1554 (Part-I), IS-7098 (Part-I) IEC 60502-1 & BS-6346.

CORE Identification

Cores shall be identified by different colours of PVC insulation. Following colour scheme shall be adopted
1 Core - Any Single colour.
2 Core - Red and Black.
3 Core - Red, Yellow & Blue.
4 Core - Red, Yellow, Blue & Black.
5 Core - Red, Yellow, Blue, Black & Grey.
6 Cores and above - Two adjacent cores (counting and direction core) in each layer, Blue &
Yellow, remaining cores Grey.

In addition to these, combinations from the following colours can also be offered -
Red, Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Orange, Violet, White, Yellow.

Alternately, any single colour insulation on all cores with number printing can also be provided.

Designation Code

A2XY - Alu. Conductor XLPE Insulated,PVc Outher Sheath. A2XWaY - Alu. Conductor XLPE Insulated Alu. Wire armoured A2XFaY - Alu.Conductor XLPE Insulated Alu Strip armoured A2XWY - Alu. Conductor XLPE Insulated G.I -- AYY - Alu. Conductor PVC Insulated & Outher Sheath. AYWaY-Alu. ConductorPVC InsulatedAlu.Wirearmod AYFaY-Alu.Conductor PVCInsulatedAluStriparmoured AYWY-Alu.ConductorPVC
Wire armoured
A2XFY - Alu. Condutor XLPE Insulated G I Strip armoured
-- InsulatedG.IWirearmoured
AWFY - Alu. Condutor PVC Insulated G I Strip armoured

No Abbreviations used when the conductor material is Copper.