Thermocouple Cables

Construction - Single or Multiple Pairs
Voltage Grade   Up to 1100 V
Cable Code - Kx,Kx(A), Tx,Jx,Ex,Sx / Rx,Bx,Nx,Ux,Wx
Range - 16 AWG / 18 AWG / 20 AWG up to 48 Pair
Primary Insulation - General purpose PVC / HEAT RESISTANT PVC / LDPE / XLPE / PTFE /
Fibre Glass / FEP / Silicone Rubber
Screening - Individual and/or overall with following options -
- Aluminum Mylar/Copper Tape with Tinned Copper Drain Wire or
- Braided with Bare or Tinned or Nickel Plated or Silver Plated Copper
Inner Sheath - PVC / HRPVC / FRPVC / FRLS PVC/ ZHFR / LSF / PTFE / Fibre Glass
Armouring - GI round Wire / Flat strip or Wire Braiding
Outer sheath - PVC / HRPVC / FRPVC / FRLS PVC / ZHFR / LSF / PTFE / Fibre Glass
Rip cord   For easy removal of sheath
Standards - ANSI:MC-96.1, IS-8784, DIN, BS & IEC 584-3

Note:Other conductor sizes and insulation materials on request

Technical Data